I’m going to cover 3 practical ways on how to increase followers on a LinkedIn company page.
I was actually inspired to write up this post by one of my clients who a while back wanted to grow his LinkedIn business page but he didn’t want to spend money on Ads (don’t we all :))
I help impact driven entrepreneurs to get consistent sales appointment using paid media as well as social media (including LinkedIn for those in B2B and B2G)
Normally Ads get results faster but since he’s a good client and friend of mine, I decided to accept the challenge to increase his LinkedIn company page followers organically.
So what I’m about to share with you isn’t some theoretical stuff that I’ve googled or cooked up…
Rather, it’s going to be practical advice on how to increase the followers of any LinkedIn page.
So stay focused and most importantly – TAKE ACTION!
Your LinkedIn company page will ONLY grow if you apply what I’m about to share with you.
And if you need some help, then click/tap here to reach out and we’ll help you 🙂
Sounds, good?
Great, then let’s get started.
Method 1 On How To Increase Followers On A LinkedIn Company Page: Send Out Page Follow Requests Every Week
At the time of writing this, LinkedIn currently gives all page admins 250-page invite credits per month.
This translates to 250 invites per month (one invite costs one credit).
Let me also mention that the number of invites LinkedIn gives per month varies i.e. some months they will give you 100 credits while others 150 or 250 credits.
It is also worth noting that you can only invite your first connections i.e. people you are already connected to on LinkedIn.
So if you have 100 connections, you can only send out 100 invites in total.
Now, here’s where things get interesting – if say for example you sent out 50 invites, meaning you spent 50 credits, and say 10 people accepted your invitation to follow your LinkedIn company page, then LinkedIn will credit you with 10 credits, meaning you will now have a total of 210 credits instead of 200 credits.
In short, LinkedIn will credit back to you any invites that are accepted.
How cool is that!
So what’s the downside to this method?
Well, it takes time to significantly grow your page – think in terms of months.
Yeah, I know it’s not what you wanted to hear but I believe in being honest.
And you also need to be consistent with sending page follow invites several times a week.
But I have some good news – it takes seconds to send page follow requests to your 1st connections 🙂
Steps on How To Send Invites For Your LinkedIn Company Page
- Log in to your LinkedIn account on a computer or tablet and on the left-hand side you should see a section called “My Pages”
Click/Tap on the page you want to grow (you must be an admin of the page to see it and to invite your 1st connections to follow it).
Now, I like to walk the talk so here’s a breakdown of the results I got for one of my clients using this strategy alone.
Tip: I like to use Google Sheets to keep track of things and would highly recommend you do the same (or excel sheets). This way you’ll be able to keep track of your results.
As you can see from the image above, I started sending page follow requests on Wednesday 8th July 2020 (I’ve highlighted it in orange).
Initially, this particular client had 387 followers on his LinkedIn page. I sent 33 page follow requests that day and followed up with 33 invites the next day.
Out of the 33 invites I sent on Wednesday 8th July 2020, 7 had accepted to follow his page by Thursday the following day – you can see the 7 in the “Gain” column.
And by Friday 31st July 2020, we had a total of 448 LinkedIn page followers, representing a growth of 15.8% for that month.
His Current LinkedIn Page Followers
Remember when I said I walk the talk? Well, here’s how his LinkedIn page is fairing at the time of writing this (Wednesday 15th June 2022).
As you can see from the row highlighted in green, his LinkedIn page as of Wednesday 15th June 2022 had 1,391 followers.
This translates to an organic growth of 259.4% from his initial 387 followers on Wednesday 8th July 2020.
He basically got an additional 1,004 followers on his LinkedIn business page for free!
This particular client of mine is in the Environment Industry so the 1,004 additional followers comprise of highly targeted job titles – we only connect with relevant people on LinkedIn, we don’t just connect with people for the sake of connecting, and neither should you!
Take a look at the image below for details.
NB: I’ve blurred out the names and profile pictures of his page followers to keep things professional 🙂
So how much money have I helped my client save?
Well, that’s a great question.
The image below shows the cost of running a LinkedIn follower Ad to increase the followers of a LinkedIn page.
As you can see from the image above, one would have to pay $5.80 to get an engagement (page follower) as of Wednesday 15th June 2022 (targeting a relevant audience, not a general one).
And one would spend anywhere from $140 – $574 in the next 30 days to get anywhere from 34-120 engagements (page followers).
If we went with the current rate of $5.80 per engagement i.e. page follower, then it would have cost my client $5,823 for the extra 1,004 followers he got on his LinkedIn page.
If you want to increase your LinkedIn company page followers without spending a dime on Ads and with just 1-2 minutes of work each day, then feel free to follow what I’ve just outlined above, you’ll thank me later 🙂
Method 2 On How To Increase Followers On A LinkedIn Company Page: Ask Your 1st Connections to Follow Your Page
Ever heard of the saying “ask and you shall receive?”
Well, this is also true when it comes to growing the followers of your LinkedIn company page.
But there’s a strategy you need to use – don’t just go blasting your network with messages asking them to follow your page.
Here’s what I would recommend for best results:
a. If you have been building a relationship with them, then pick up from your last message and request them to do you a favor by following your LinkedIn business page.
b. If you haven’t been building a relationship with them a.k.a you’ve never chatted with them, then I’d advise you to first send them a short intro about yourself and what you do to break the ice.
Then follow up the next week requesting them to follow your LinkedIn page.
Tip: You’ll want to follow up with those who don’t follow your page. Use the analytics section of your page to see who has followed it – this way you’ll only follow up with those who haven’t followed it.
NB: In both a and b, remember to include the link to your LinkedIn company page such that all they need to do is to click/tap on it and follow the page.
Method 3 On How To Increase Followers On A LinkedIn Company Page: Run Ads To Get More Page Followers
Last but not least, you can run ads to get more followers on our LinkedIn company page.
Here’s the image from the Ad draft I shared earlier on. The cost might be different for you depending on your targeting.
Tip: You’ll want to test several Ad creatives and audiences to see which one works best for you and your budget.
So that’s pretty much how to increase followers on a LinkedIn company page.
Now go forth and take action.
Remember, results just don’t happen, they are made to happen!
Need Some Help Implementing Things?
Don’t have time to grow your LinkedIn company page or you just want someone else to grow it for you?
Then click/tap on the orange button below to reach out.
You’ll be redirected to a page where you’ll book a 20-minute appointment.
We’ll have a quick chat about your business and see how best to grow your LinkedIn company page as per your preference i.e. free or paid means.
NOTE: This is a 100% FREE no-obligation, no strings attached consultation.
(We only have a few slots open this month!)